Monday 5 December 2011

Jobs in Jamaica - Rope holder to insane window cleaner

"Mek sure ya don start scratchin yer bum now!"

What’s the worst job you ever had? Mine was working on the railway tracks in Surrey, in England. The pay was poor; the job was very dangerous due to the very fast trains and the electric railway line. We worked all hours in all types of weather but we were happy.
No we bloody well were not! I came home covered in oil and gnat bites.
Mind you, there are worse jobs, by far, in other countries but you just can’t beat the really dumb jobs. Those mind – numbing, mundane, pointless waste of time jobs that exist all over the world, some born out of necessity, others just impromptu or quick fixes to local problems.
Take this couple of numb-skulls. Come on now, how desperate for work must you be to let someone dangle you out of a window many stories up whilst you replace a broken pane of glass? The glass was most likely broken by the window cleaner just before he fell, he was most likely also dangled from the same window (by the same guy, he looks like he is a regular at this type of work.)
Hey-ho! Anyone else got anything stupid to share
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