Wednesday 14 December 2011

Dogs in Jamaica

Roof! Roof!

Just when you thought you had seen it all, something always manages to surprise or shock you, or both. I live in the countryside of Andalucia close to a white village (Pueblo Blanco) called Villanueva del Trabuco, which is north of Malaga city 800m above sea level. Yes, Redneck country.
The village is quiet and ordinary and not a lot happens, the odd murder here and there, you know an everyday village. The villagers are nice people, very kind and pleasant but they cannot park their cars, they just stop when they get to where they are going and then abandon the vehicle while they do their business.

A dog with a head for heights!

The Zebra crossings are the best place to abandon their vehicles as the blue and white stripes are a handy landmark for when they need to extricate the car, likewise roundabouts, driveways, pavements and bridges are all great places to stop and leave your 4 x 4 for a few hours.
They never turn up for appointments, well, when I say never I mean they never turn up on time and sometimes they just “forget” to turn up. This applies to all trades, not just builders and painters but literally everyone, their attitude is “mañana – mañana” (tomorrow..Maybe)
So you see, I’m used to things not working properly, people not turning up, lorries parked next to the school crossing, the local politicians handing house cigarette lighters with their names on prior to polling and any number of daft and unusual things.
So, when I was going to the shop in the village this morning, I wasn’t surprised to hear a barking dog, the village is full of them, what did surprise me though was the fact the dog was 60ft up on a plastic rooftop in the rain and it was barking like mad at me, why? God knows but it wasn’t on a chain or rope, it was barking down from the edge of the roof.
Is it possible the dog was shouting “Roof! Roof!”? Am I now a latter day Doctor Doolittle and can understand the languages of animals or is it just another unsurprising surprise from this crazy village?
If you have a photo of a braver (stupid!) dog in the whole of Jamaica or the caribbean then I would love to see it, come to think of it, I would love to see this dog on ground level, via the stairs if possible.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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