Wednesday 17 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Blue Mountain Coffee & Hippies

Andalucian hippie takes delivery of Blue Mountain Coffee & Jamaica T-Shirts

I went to our local Correos or Post Office this morning to be greeted by a smiling Maria (All Spanish woman are called "Maria") who is happy to tell me that there is a parcel for me and that it's not from "Inglaterra" that's England to us non Spaniards..

Her friend and colleague Maria (Told you...) handed me the parcel in question and then asked me to sign for it. No problemo. Maria and Maria then stood and looked at me with that "Open the bloody thing then!" look. I, in turn, gave them that "Nah! maybe later" look and left.

I was indeed expecting a parcel "not from Inglaterre" as I had been promised by Lisa of Jamaican Treasures (The best Holiday villas in Jamaica, Mexico, Bali..I have mentioned the company before? 'Scuse me then!) a bag of that Jamaican liquid gold called Blue Mountain Coffee and some T-Shirts from the very same place.

Before rushing home to open my parcel, I whipped down to La Plaza Bar, a café cum restaurant cum gossip stop for the local expats, for cup of Santa Christina decaf and a quick yap with my friends from the band I used to play in.
Francesca, the waitress (All Spanish woman NOT called Maria are called Francesca) asked what was in the parcel?

Me: "Coffee"
Francesca: "We haff coffee?"
Me: "This is different coffee"
Francesca: "Why is eet different coffee?"
Me: "This is the best coffee in the world!"
Francesca: "Say who?"
Me: "Say Lisa"
Francesca: "Who ees Lisa"
Me: "Lisa is the lady who sent me the coffee"
Francesca:"Wot coffee?"
Me:"The coffee in the parcel!"
Francesca: "We haff coffee?"
Me: "Blue Mountain coffee is the best in the world and Lisa, the lady who sent me the coffee from Jamaica, told me so, she has sent me some so I can try for myself!"
Francesca:"You say yor cafe ees betta thana Santa Christina? Mebbee yoo should go and sit in Jamaica then!"

I didn´t mention the T-Shirts as she was wearing her "I love Spain" red on white special. All Spanish woman called Francesca are very touchy.

No matter! Off home I went and opened my parcel of joy and "Viola!" inside was 1 x bag of Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica and (here is the big suprise) 5 x T-shirts not 4 as was wriiten on the parcel. Brilliant.

As in all stories, there is a moral. I was made a promise by Lisa of Jamaican Treasures (The best luxury villas rentals in Jamaica, Mexico, mentioned this a bit further up the posting? OK!") and the promise is kept. That's not the moral of the story, the moral of the story is never have a conversation with a Spanish woman about coffee, they get the hump very easy!.

I shall enjoy my cup of Blue Mountain Coffee with a glass or five of Rum tonight whilst watching the Sopranos on the telly. I will also be wearing a "Yeah Mon!" T-shirt. Bliss!
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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