Sunday 28 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival
I mek dis meself!

The Notting Hill Carnival in London is one of the biggest Carnivals outside of the Caribbean and has become a worldwide attraction. Notting Hill Carnival organised by West Indian bretheran living in London began it's life from very modest beginnings and has grown into one of the most popular culture attractions in the world.

The fun would normally start on the Saturday (this years that is 27th of August) with the steel band's competition, Sunday is the kids day and Bank holidays Monday sees the big parade with all the fantastic costumes, bright colours, steel bands, music and of course, FOOD!

On the Notting hill Carnival Website there is a page dedicated to Jerk Chicken! Yum-Yum! Curried Goat and Chic Peas. The website offers you lots of advice on what to do, where to go, the timetable of events and lots more useful information for the festival. There is a cracking photo of a steel band (ladies!) on the site, do take a peek Notting Hill Carnival 2011.

Notting Hill Carnival 2010
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