Monday 29 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Top 10 villas in Jamaica

Mr Blogspot was less than impressed with his Deluxe villa from

There are luxury villa rental companies and there are villa rental companies and then there is Jamaican Treasures, the best villa rentals company in the world, so we are told. What's the difference? let me tell you.

Jamaican Treasures has over 300+ luxury villas for rent in Jamaica and if that seems a lot then add the rest of the villas that people have entrusted to Jamaican Treasures. Villas in Mexico, Bali, Thailand, The Bahams, Dominican republic and the countless islands of the Caribbean.

Jamaican Treasures are trusted by 1200+ villa owners and countless thousands of holidaymakers and folk who got married in the Tropics because they provide the very best possible service to EVERYONE.

You have only to look at the efforts taken by Jamaican Treasures on behalf of their villa owners to see the level of commitment. There are many websites that offer the holiday maker a choice and one of the best is My Jamaica Villas a sister site. Here we have listed the top 20 most spectacular villas for rent in Jamaica.

Villas such as Sugar Bay, Emerald Seas, Fortlands Point and many more. These are villas with that something extra. Take a look at the rest and see what you could be getting married in, having a great family holiday or a Jamaican reunion, the staff are also excellent and second to none when it comes to organising a tropical wedding. take a look
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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