Monday 22 August 2011

Jamaica villas - Snakes in Jamaica

The Jamaican Yellow Snake..Cute!

I have a large female cat called Grandita ("Little Big cat", named by the little girl next door when she was a kitten as she was the biggest of the litter, the Cat that is, not the little girl) and she, like other moggies, brings me presents now and again. last night it was a 3ft ratsnake!

Ratsnake throwing an "Hissy Fit" on my patio.

It was cute, I don't mind snakes, as long as they don't suprise me by dropping from the Olive trees onto my head and so I took it out of harms way and put him by some rocks in the countryside where I live. What has this got to do with Jamaica Villas and Jamaican Treasures in particular (The best Jamaica Villas rentals company in the world, I may have mentioned this before?) Nothing! Nothing at all, it's just that my little snake friend got me asking the question "Are there many snakes in Jamaica?"

There are snakes in Jamaica but they are as rare a rocking horse manure because some dozy Europeans brought Mongoose to the Islands to get rid of the rats, the trouble is, Mongoose have a rare taste for snakes...any snakes!!
Also, pigs and domestic cats helped to further reduce the snake population in Jamaica.

An Article I read mentioned that the population of Jamaica have a paranoia about snakes and often kill them on site, even the Yellow Snake who is harmless to humans and helps to keep the rats down.

Anyway, the Yellow Snake is part of the Boa family and can grow to a length of 8ft!! not to worry though, most only get to about 6.5ft. They are indigenous to Jamaica and completely harmless to you and me. Also, anyone with Ophidiophobia (fear of Snakes) will be happy to note that Jamaica has no venemous snakes, the odd grass snake and 8ft Boa, yes but no nasty snakes at all.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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