Monday 27 February 2012

Jamaica Villas - If it feels good, do it!

"Aaaah! Feels so good!"

It’s been a few days since I last entered anything on this Blog, that’s very unusual for me but I do have a good excuse, I’ve been lazy. Well, not exactly lazy. I have set up a new website for Jamaican Treasures videos that I have been making, I decided that they would look a lot better if I added them all to their own website, rather than have them splashed about the Internet on Tripwow, Youtube and many other video hosting websites. As with other projects, this seems to have taken up most of my Internet time.
It’s almost complete, I just need to keep adding Jamaica villas videos to the pages and anything that gets sent in from people like yourself who have an interest in Jamaica or have been to Jamaica and want to share the experience with the world and his wife. Great stuff.
Other matters have also caught my attention, especially today, my dog Pablito (Little Paul in Spanish) has been rather adventuress and decided it would be a great idea to dig up a month old chicken that he must have buried in the countryside around our house, not just that, the little swine decided to roll in the corpse and then jump onto our white leather sofa and have a good rub down. HE STUNK!
Now, if like me, you have a crazy hound dog that hates water and shampoo is not on his Christmas list then you will know that trying to catch the little swine is a job in itself and actually giving him a shower to get the stink off him is nigh on impossible. I did it though, only just but I did it, I showed him who’s boss, he then showed me where he hid the dead chicken and rolled on it again!!!
So, the new website for Jamaica Videos is and the dead chicken is now in the bin at the end of the camino.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica
Sandals Holidays Jamaica  

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