Thursday 9 February 2012

Here's Looking at you, Kid!

Yo! Big Bro! I told you so!

I included this picture because I thought it was thought provoking…or so I thought?

Sometimes, just sometimes, life throws us Little snippets of humour that are totally unintended, most people would call this irony and, until I started writing this post after being sent the photograph of the surveillance camera outside George Orwell’s house, I would have described the image as “ironic” but I thought I had better check my own interpretation of the word, just in case.
I Googled “Define: Ironic” and I got a list of interpretations, some of them were very straight forward and others were just plain gobblewobble!
A pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other’s false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning —called also Socratic irony

Hmm? Not what I was looking for but in the end I found the simplest definition was one of my own “ I told my dog to sit and he did, I thought him very clever, my wife told me to sit and I did, I thought myself very silly!”

So, how ironic it is that George Orwell (real name Eric Blair) should write a novel that decries a totalitarian government bent on total manipulation through pervasive surveillance and he ends up having his yard used by pervasive government surveillance camera! Oh, the irony of it all! (Thanks to Mike Harding for the excellent photo)
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