Sunday 5 February 2012

Jamaican Jerk Sausage - Careful with that mincer

I don’t ask a lot from the people who read my Blog posts, Twitter posts and the inane dribble I slop all over face book and other social media sites, I really don’t. I am also often surprised by the reaction I get from the same readers when I ask a specific question about Jamaica, Jamaicans or the Caribbean life and culture. Some of you lot need locking up!
I thought I would give the Villa postings a miss being as it is Sunday and go for a Blog posting that would come in useful for anyone who has been to the Caribbean and in particular, to Jamaica. I thought I would revive memories of dreamy nights on the beach, sipping rum and munching on some sausage. Yes, sausage!
So, with this in mind I put out some feelers on several Jamaica related websites asking for the best recipe for Jamaican Jerk sausage, that Jamaican devil that bites you back with every chew you take. Spicy and chewy, hot and tasty a real king amongst sausages.
My begging posts for the recipe for Jamaican Jerk sausage went something like this;” I would like the recipe for Jamaican Jerk sausage, any help would be appreciated, please send your recipe and any visual aids such as photos and videos.”
What did I get in response to this reasonable request? I got a picture of what looked like a guy with his “thing” in a mincing machine and a note that read “Be careful, you can sometimes catch your fingers in the mincer!” Brilliant! I’m trying to spread the Jamaican culture across the Internet and all I get is rude photos and snide comments. I give up.
In the end, after pictures of all sorts of sausage like images (Thank you Brother  Rasta Blasta from Kingston for your photo of “ a real Jamaican sausage!”  I’m sure Mrs. Rasta Blasta would agree) I just decided to Google the question and hope I get the best recipe. As luck would have it, I came across this recipe which I think looks pretty interesting.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica
Sandals Holidays & Weddings  

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