Saturday 4 February 2012

European Weather - Europe freezes over

Mr Blogspot was unwise to take a pee at -20ºC
Anyone who landed in Europe this week would have been in for some surprising sites. For a start you would have been bloody well freezing! The whole of Europe is gripped in a freak weather cycle, everywhere and I do mean everywhere is frozen. Some places are just a white wasteland.
You expect places like Russia, Ukraine, Poland and other eastern European countries to be a bit chilly at this time of the year, what with it being winter and all that but to book a holiday in southern Spain and find yourself walking about dressed like Nanook the Eskimo? No way, José! That is what is happening right now.
In the Ukraine, there have been over 100 deaths from hyperthermia reported so far, the daytime temperature reaching lows of -30C; most of the deaths are the unfortunate homeless people and elderly.
Here, in Andalucía, we are at the edge of the ice cold slap in the kisser but even here we are frozen. I live in the hills above Malaga and we have reached -6ºC so far, with water pipes freezing, black ice on the roads and streams freezing over. I have to break the ice on the cats bowl to let him drink (No, the cat does not live indoors as there are 4 of them, they have a little house of their own, just in case you think I’m a bit heartless!)
Hopefully, this cold weather looks like it may blow out by Tuesday next week, I hope so because I’m sat here freezing bloody cold writing about luxury villas in Montego Bay and looking at pretty girls in bikinis splashing about in the Caribbean sea, it’s doing my head in
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