Wednesday 9 November 2011

Tropical Spice Villas - Runaway Bay, Jamaica

Tropical Spice Villas - Runaway Bay, Jamaica

Tropical Spice are a pair of luxury villas located at Runaway Bay in Jamaica. This pair of villas have 3 air conditioned bedrooms each and can accommodate up to 14 people if rented together, this makes them ideal for a family holiday or reunion.

The Tropical Spice villas also have a shared pool, Jacuzzi, Internet facilities, TV sets, DVD, cable, phone, Fax and everything else we take for granted in our daily lives. A staff of a cook, housekeeper, butler and gardener will take care of the day to day running of these luxury villas and leave you free to enjoy your Caribbean holiday in peace and comfort.

Tropical Spice villas also have wedding packages available that range from a basic package with a minimum stay of 7 nights up to the more lavish wedding packages, all arranged by Jamaican Treasures own specialist in weddings and functions. For more wedding package details see this link.
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Nutmeg Villa - Spring Farm, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Views to the Caribbean from Nutmeg Villa

There are some great luxury villas at Montego Bay, Jamaica but Nutmeg Villa really does stand out from the crowd. As you can see from the photograph above, the views from the rear of the villa, from the swimming pool, are fantastic.

Nutmeg is a five bedrom, five bathroom fully air conditioned luxury holiday villa on the Spring Farm Estate which is located at Montego Bay, Jamaica. This holiday villa property is a must for the golfers as it is situated at the entrance to the famous Half Moon Golf and Country Club, Montego Bay.

As with the other luxury villas of this type, Nutmeg villa comes with all the modern conveniences and electrical goods you would expect, such as TV sets, DVD players, Internet connections, Fax, Cable and so much more besides.

A staff of cook, housekeeper, butler, gardener and laundress will make sure that everything at Nutmeg Villa is clean, comfortable and stress free. You really do need to take a look at this fantastic property. Nutmeg South Link.
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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Villa Lido - Ochos Rios, Jamaica

Villa Lido, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Carrying on from where I left off with villa Whispering Waters and Keela Wee, another fantastic villa in this range of luxury Jamaica villas is the beautiful Villa Lido at Ochos Rios, Jamaica.
As you would know if you are native to Jamaica or a reader of this Blog, Ochos Rios is close to the Dunn's River falls and that there aren't "Ochos Rios" or Eight Rivers, it is a misnomer of the original Spanish name "Las Chorreras". Never mind, we all make mistakes.

Villa Lido is a great Jamaica villa that was refurbished in 2002, boating 5 luxury bedrooms with 5 en-suite bathrooms and beautifully decorated. Villa Lido is also beachfront, with it's own pool, tennis court and a staff of cook, housekeeper, gardener, butler and a luandress.

A really fantastic property for a great Jamaica vacation. Please visit the main website for Villa Lido at Ochos Rios and see what you could be staying in on your next vacation in the Caribbean. Villa Lido Link.
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Villa Whispering Waters - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

"WHISPERING WATERS!" I can't hear a thing!

I don't suppose you will want an explanation for the name of this delux holiday villa situated at Discovery Bay. The villa has a wonderfully romantic name of "Whispering Waters" and is the sister villa to Keela Wee (Who's name is also romantic but you did needed an explanation to!).

Villa Whispering Waters, like Keela Wee is at Discovery Bay, between Rio Bueno and Ochos Rios. Whispering Waters was built in 2006 and has 7 bedrooms with 7 en-suite bathrooms, private beach, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, poolside BBQ, loungers, chairs and a staff of cook, housekeeper, butler, gardener and laundress, after all, we don't want you overdoing it now, do we? Your on vacation and when you get inside Whispering Waters you will realise that. It is beautiful.

The website for villas Whispering Waters has been updated with lots of links on the sites main page to all the photos, virtual tour and slideshow, this will save you having to go through the sites individual pages (Blimey, the site is already simple to use but here in Blogland, we like to make it soooo easy!)

In our finest tradition, we advise you to do yourself a great favour and visit this handsome villas website and see what you could be staying in on your next Jamaica Vacation. Whispering Waters link

If, like so many other happy campers, you have stayed at Whispering Waters, I would love to see some happy snaps of your visit and maybe a comment or two? Pleeeease! :-)
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Villa Keela Wee - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

"Yer don't know what "Wee" means then?"

I mentioned in my last posting that during the course of writing or producing Blogs for Jamaican Treasures (The best holiday villas rentals company in the world) that I sometimes find items af interest that one would not normally come across in the course of ones working day.

Keela Wee! What is a "Keela Wee" I hear you ask (or at least I imagine I hear you ask. I imagine hearing lots of things these days!) And I did ask, I asked Google and top of Google for "What does Keela Wee mean" was a link to a Jamaican Blog where some madman tells me that the word "Keela" in word from the Elvin language (what an Elf would talk to another Elf in) and that it means "Beauty that only poetry can capture" but he never had a clue what the "Wee" bit meant.
Some bloody expert you are matey, I thought, then I realised it was me, and the blog was this blog and I was telling you some time ago about Villa Keela Wee.

Honest, I'm not making this stuff up, heres the original link Define Keela Wee

Anyway, the reason I'm telling you again about villa Keela Wee is that I have updated this website for the villa with a little bit more information and links to the different part of the Keela Wee website to make it easier for people to get around and see what there is at Keela Wee without leaving the front page. I know, just call me Mr Helpful.

Being serious for a moment though, this is one of the top luxury villas in the Caribbean, not just Jamaica. You could sit with your feet in the Caribbean after a nice game of tennis and it has a swimming pool, wet bar (that's one of them bars you swim up to if you too lazy to get out of the water) a poolside BBQ and a full compliment of staff to do everything for you.

Take a look and let me know what you think of Villa Keela Wee.

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Sugar Bay Villa - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

"Quick Jake! To Sugar Bay villa before someone else books it!"

One of the great things I like about writing Blogs or anything else for that matter, is that now and again you get to post items of great interest or photographs that make you smile or places you would love to go and visit.
This week I have been updating some websites for luxury villas in Jamaica, not a great suprise I'm sure you would agree since my stock in trade is to publicise the great vacation villas available from Jamaican Treasures but you would be wrong. Oh yes!

On the right hand column of this fantastic Blog (Ahem!) I have added photographs of fantastic Jamaica villas and some of other locations too. Each has a link and if you click the photograph, you will be transported, as if by magic, to that luxury villas own website.

I have just updated Sugar Bay Villa which is located at Discovery Bay in Jamaica. This is one of the top 5 Caribbean holiday villas and if you visit the main website you can understand just why people rave about the place. Sugar Bay could not be closer to the waters edge and there is a white sandy beach to go with it, the views are exceptional, even by Jamaican standards. One look and you would want to fly there right now.

Reading through the website I'm told that there is also a great pool, in case you didn't want to drag yourself the 2 yards to the Caribbean, there is also a fantastic Gazebo that jutts out into the sea, great for romantics who like to sit and watch the sun dip into the sea, whilst they dip into the Rum.

The inside of Villa Sugar Bay is sublime. What a truly beautiful Jamaica Villa this place really is. The decoration and furnishing are excellent, don't take my word, take a look yourself.
I have several more websites like Sugar Bay to update and to push in your direction, I would feel terrible if you went on holiday to the Caribbean and stayed somewhere that was not up to the same standards as the villas I have on this Blog.

It's not just a way of making a living for me, I'm like Jake and Elwood from the Blues Brothers, it's as if I'm on a mission from god to bring the finest Caribbean holiday villas to the attention of the world. I will not fail in this mission and to make sure you get to see the top 20 villas in the Caribbean I have provided you with some links to what are, not just in my humble opinion, but a general consensus, the top luxury holiday villas in Jamaica. Enjoy.
SISTER VILLAS: Whispering Waters (7 bedrooms), Keela Wee (6 bedrooms), Sea Grapes (5 bedrooms), Amanoka (7 bedrooms), Fortlands Point (7 bedrooms), Sundown (7 bedrooms), Sea Haven (4 bedrooms), A Summer Place (7 bedrooms), Coral Cove Cottages (7 bedrooms) Makana (6 bedrooms)
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Friday 4 November 2011

Rasta Man blocks a left hook from an irate tourist after predicting wrongly that it would not rain.

The rain in Spain falls mainly...ON MY HEAD!

I'm sick of the rain already and we have had just one week of the stuff but by god has it come down. I had to go shopping with mrs Blogspot yesterday and silly me decided I would wear my Nike trainers (very Jamaican). Well, no sooner had I set foot out of car than the heavens opened and it lashed down!

No need to tell you the outcome? Water + Nike trainers = Wet soggy feet. The rest of me got soaked as well. I looked like a giant snail walking around the supermarket, there was a big trail of water behind me.

I live in the mountains of Andalucia, Spain, 800ft above sea level and so the clouds can't get passed without ditching everything they have and it's usually me they ditch it on. You get very little warning.

The weather in the Caribbean can be just as naughty, oh yes! one minute as dry as a bishop's sermon, the next your up to you knees in warm water. The good thing about the Caribbean though, YOU KNOW WHEN IT'S COMING!

The "rainy season" that is, the time when your feet are wet but your not in the sea, this varies from location to location in the Caribbean because we are talking about a large area but as a rule of thumb, May til December, but we are not talking torrential rain, no way, it's usually a brief pour down and that's it. Of course, if you get a tropical storm headed your way you get a tad more rain.

In the true traditions of Blogcasting I have found a most helpful site that gives you the weather for all of the Caribbean Islands, rainfall, high and low tempretures, the lot and it's called Debbies Caribbean Resort Views

This will help you plan your visit to the Caribbean. If you need any further information on the weather or where to stay, there is a fantastic Jamaica Villa rentals company that is always happy to help, no guessing who that company is (Jamaican Treasures Villas?)

You will also notice that there are a lot of Caribbean on the Debbies Resort Views and happily, there is a fantastic website that offers villas in all of these wonderful locations. and better still, this wonderful website is part of the Jamaican Treasures Group of websites and so you are guaranteed the finest service and prices.

PS. The Andalucia Weather Brick works well in all Caribbean locations. Make sure you use the greased hemp string though as the humidity in the Caribbean can cause variations in the readings.
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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Mr Blogspot enjoying a pint of beer at mothers 81st

It's coming up to that time of year again, y'know, when you get out the hair dye and the very tight trousers that you hope will make you look 2 stone lighter and 10 years younger. Yep. It's almost Mr Blogspots birthday again. I'll not see 35 again!

Mind you, birthdays are great fun as you can see from the photo of my good self and the T-shirt I begged of Lisa from that fantastic Villa Rentals site Jamaican Treasures. This was taken in September of this year in Liverpool, my home town and it was to celebrate my nieces 21st and my dear mothers 81st.

I had flown from my home in Spain, I live in the mountains near to Antequera, there are 3 houses where I live and so I don't get to go to many parties. Liverpool has changed since I was last there almost 10 years ago.

I digress. Why am I mentioning my forthcoming birthday? well, because I will be getting a computer for my birthday off my dear wife. That will be 6 we will have. Unfortunately for me, I have two Toshiba's (A60 and A80) who's hard drives are now knackered through over use by yours truly. I have a 10 year old DELL that has asthma attacks, or it seems like it because it is very slow and I have this Sony Vaio notepad that I'm typing this blog with. My wife has a Sony Vaio, the large version and that is used minute by minute to play farmville and Gardens of Time. So, I'm getting a new computer...Great.

What's the worst birthday present you ever got?
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Ian Flemming, James Bond and Jamaica

All the Bond stars were more than "shix fute" tall, according to Sean Connery

It's amazing what one reads when one is scouring the Internet for tidbits of information about the beautiful island of Jamaica. Guess what? and I bet you never knew this (liar! liar! bum's on fire! if you say you did know) the creator of fictional British Spy James Bond, Ian Flemming, wrote the Bond stories from his adopted home in Jamaica. There, hows that?

Oh yes. Ian Flemming lived on a tiny beach called the Palisadoes which you will know is close to Kingston and the airport.

Flemming was a real life James Bond, well, he was an inteligence officer that turned to journalism for a living. Every winter mr Flemming would bugger off from the UK and head for Port Royal and the Morgan's Harbour Hotel. If you look closely at the early Bond movies, you'll see both the airport and the hotel feature. In fact, James Bond kips in the hotel in the novel "Golden Gun".

Flemming wrote more than a dozen novels featuring the handsome "Mishta Bond" whilst in Jamaica, these included "Live and let die", "Dr. No", "The Man with the Golden Gun" and the short story "Octopussy" or, if you are Sean Connery "Octo-pushy".

Anyway campers, I got this story from the New York Times website. The article is very interesting, especially if you are a Bond fan and like Jamaica. In true Blogmeister fashion, here is the link Bond 007
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Monday 31 October 2011

Holiday villas in Barbados

Villa Caprice
Villa Caprice is a 4 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom luxury holiday villa in Barbados that will have you rushing to your keypad to see more. take a look at the magnificent Barbados Villa that is so close to the sea you could dip your feet in the water and have your lunch at the same time.

If beachfront properties in Barbados is what you want then they don't come any closer. This would make a brilliant venue for a wedding reception or family holiday.

You have a staff consisting of Cook, housekeeper and Chef as well as the following amenities:
Swimming Pool
Non Smoking
Child friendly
Full Kitchen
Air Conditioning
ADSL Internet Connection
Alarm Systems
Luxury Home

For some great photographs and lots more details and information please visit villa Caprice on the main Villa Caprice.
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