Wednesday 31 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Blue Mountain Coffee & Starbucks

Jamaican Gold - Blue Mountain Coffee

According to the Jamaica Gleaner, that august periodical and Mr Steven Jackson, Business Reporter "Coffee retail chain Starbucks said its summer campaign for Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (JBM) attracted sophisticated coffee lovers into its stores"
Now, some of you may remember from earlier postings on this Blog, I wrote about Blue Mountain Coffee (There was a photo of yours truly wearing a snazzy Jamaica T-Shirt and holding up a bag of Blue Mountain coffee, both sent to me by Lisa, the CEO of Jamaican Treasures, the best villas rentals company in the world, so were told.)
The nice folks at Starbucks are shy about revealing themselves but we are told by a Coffee Industry Regulator that "the coffee has been sold off!" which to the likes of you and I must mean that the breatheren have drunk it all. Mr "J" goes on to tell us that Mr Starbuck bought 110 barrels of Jamaica Blue Mountain (referred to as JBM..not to be confused with Sangster Airport Montego Bay which is (JMB) and you can't drink it.) this is 60% more than last year.
The report is good news for JBM, a product in global decline, because Starbucks are going to increase sales from 50 coffee shops to 500 coffee shops across the Starbucks chain, they say that Starbucks was proud to offer Reserve Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee at select Starbucks stores in the US.
This is an excellent report by Steven Jackson and a must for lovers of JBM coffee. Take a look at the full story for yourself Here.
So, next time you visit Jamaica and you are relaxing in your villa (provided by Jamaican Treasures no doubt!) have yourself a nice cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and R-E-L-A-X! Email
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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - DAEGU, South Korea Jamaican athletes do well

Veronica Campbell Brown

Some excellent news from Daegu, South Korea. Veronica Campbell Brown made sure that Jamaica featured on the winners podium when she came second in 10.97 seconds to win the silver medal behind American bookies favourite Carmelita Jeter in the women's marquee 100-metre event at the World Championships at Daegu.

Who is Veronica Campbell Brown? Only the best female athlete Jamaica ever produced, that's all. Your female equivalant to Usain Bolt. See Veronica's website here and learn more about this amazing lady athlete.
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Monday 29 August 2011

jamaica Villas - Notting Hill Carnival Parade day

Notting Hill carnival
"Mi a no lak de sound o dat Vuvuzela ting in mi ears!"

What a great photograph this is from the Guardians website report on the Notting Hill Carnival. Scantily clad ladies, jiggling about, enjoying themselves and Yes, clock the lady with the Vuvuzela in her mouth blowing it for all she's worth. Her friends in front are catching the full force of this horrible, noisey instrument and don´t seem best pleased. Never mind, each to their own.

So far, so good. There has been very little to write home about at the Notting Hill Carnival as far as the police are concerned. There were some worries that the recent rioting problems in London may find it's way to Notting Hill but no. Mind you, the police are there in force (no pun intended..police..force..No?) some 6500 of them to be exact. That may seem a lot but when you consider that the organisers are expecting 800,000 happy clappers on Monday and 1 million in all over the two days. Wow!

The Guardian have been very nice and provided moi with lots of photos I can link to of the Notting Hill parade, some are spectacular!!! See More

Notting Hill - Day 2: A reveller dances as they parade through the streets
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Jamaica Villas - Top 10 villas in Jamaica

Mr Blogspot was less than impressed with his Deluxe villa from

There are luxury villa rental companies and there are villa rental companies and then there is Jamaican Treasures, the best villa rentals company in the world, so we are told. What's the difference? let me tell you.

Jamaican Treasures has over 300+ luxury villas for rent in Jamaica and if that seems a lot then add the rest of the villas that people have entrusted to Jamaican Treasures. Villas in Mexico, Bali, Thailand, The Bahams, Dominican republic and the countless islands of the Caribbean.

Jamaican Treasures are trusted by 1200+ villa owners and countless thousands of holidaymakers and folk who got married in the Tropics because they provide the very best possible service to EVERYONE.

You have only to look at the efforts taken by Jamaican Treasures on behalf of their villa owners to see the level of commitment. There are many websites that offer the holiday maker a choice and one of the best is My Jamaica Villas a sister site. Here we have listed the top 20 most spectacular villas for rent in Jamaica.

Villas such as Sugar Bay, Emerald Seas, Fortlands Point and many more. These are villas with that something extra. Take a look at the rest and see what you could be getting married in, having a great family holiday or a Jamaican reunion, the staff are also excellent and second to none when it comes to organising a tropical wedding. take a look
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Jamaica Villas - Tryall Golf Course Villas Montego Bay

Guess who got dressed in the dark?

OK, If you have read some of my previous postings, you will know that I touched on the subject of Golf, Golf holidays, Golf villas and of course..Golfers! I don´t play golf, I don´t have the time or the inclination to dress up like Mr Cadbury's Parrot and whack my balls around all day long with different sticks.
Mark Twain once described golf as " A good walk...ruined!"

But hey! let's be fair, it is a very popular game (!) and is watched on the telly and also attracts crowds in their dozens. That is why the good people of Jamaican Treasures, the best villas rentals company in the world, so I'm told, have made it easy for golfers to find places to go and play golf and have a fantastic holiday as well. this is a great website. Not only does it give you all the information on the famous Tryall Club, Montego Bay and list the fantastic villas you can rent for a family holiday, it also tells you about..the golf! and the grassy bit you welt the balls up and down on.

"The 18-hole, 6221-yard, par 72 course was designed by Ralph Plummer" The site will tell you, and I don't doubt for one minute that they are right because it means as much to me as the workings of a clock.

The bit I do know about is the fantastic location, the brilliant villas and of course the great website that is so easy to navigate, even a Golfer can find what he's looking for. Take a look at what's on offer, you might just decide to go and play tennis as well.
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Jamaica Villas - Holiday rental websites for Jamaica, Bali, Mexico, Thailand

"Right! I'm off on my holidays but to where?"

"My brain hurts!" screamed the Gumbys and no wonder. There are so many places to go on vacation these days and so many websites offering you places to stay that enough your brain hurt!

Now then, there is a company, you may or may not be aware of, who are specialists at providing luxury villas for vacations in such far flung places as Bali, Mexico, Thailand, Jamaica,! Sorry, not Wigan. This wonderful company, Jamaican Treasures has also made it very easy for even a Gumby to find the best holiday villa and in the best locations by producing specialised websites. One such website is

My Luxury Villas has vacation rentals listed by country, by area and by property name, and it could not be easier to use this website, it's wonderful. Also, they have listed the top 20 villas, Villa Specials (Villas suitable, for example, for large weddings in Jamaica or Mexico etc) and also "Staff Picks" these are the villas that the staff of Jamaican Treasures actually like staying at themselves.

There is also an interactive map. You click on the location, say "Caribbean" and then this opens another map of all the locations in the Caribbean that Jamaican Treasures have properties for rent, like the Cayman Islands, Mexico, Dominicana and so on, you click on one of them and Viola! you see photos of the villas for rent and all the information. It's great fun, have a go.
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Sunday 28 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Usain Bolt disqualified

Usain Bolt - Jamaica

Usain Bolt was sensationally disqualifed for a false start in the World Championships 100m final in Daegu. No worries though, his fellow Jamaican Yohan Blake made sure that the gold medal stayed with Jamaica and he ran in a good time of 9.93sec.

Walter Dix (USA) won silver in 10.08, and 35-year-old Kim Collins, from St Kitts and Nevis (You know that's in the Caribbean, don't you? and no doubt you know that Jamaican Treasures, the best villas rentals company in the Caribbean, so we are told, have villas for rent in St Kitts!), taking bronze in 10.09.

Getting back to "Bernie the Bolt" getting disqualified, this is all down to a new ruing introduced in 2010 that disqualifies the first person who makes a false start. Poor old Usain Bolt, he was most annoyed and ripped his shirt off in frustration. To be fair, a few high profile names have gone the same way this week.

I like reading the Guardian website as it often throws up words that I don´t normally hear or see day to day. One waord used to describe Usain Bolt after being disqualified was "sanguine" used in context "Despite the reaction to his disqualification, Bolt was sanguine" this word "Sanguine" means to be cheerful, upbeat, hopeful, optimistic, in other words, although he considered being chucked out of the race a bit of a downer, Bolt was not going to let this ruin his day. Great stuff, that's the spirit.

So, you should expect the word "sanguine! to appear in my postings from now on.
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Jamaica Villas - Notting Hill Carnival in Photographs

J'our Ouvert celebration Notting Hill 2011

Notting Hill carnival: Revelers react being sprayed with paint during Notting Hill Carnival
"O lawd! I not comb mi hair, I look a real mess!"

There is a cracking website that has a load of photographs from London's Notting Hill Carnival. The Guardian Newspapers own website has some amazing photographs of the first day. I like this one of a couple of people all mucked up with paint. Why? (Why wot?) Why do they cover themselves in gunk? Well, let me tell you.

J'our Ouvert comes from the French "Jour Ouvert" which means dawn or daybreak, the start of the day if you like or in the case of the Notting Hill Carnival, the start of the first day. As for the paint, theory says that this stems back to the civil disturbances in Port of Spain, Trinidad when the breatheren smeared themselves in oil or paint or anything else that was available, in order not to be recognised.

Notting Hill carnival: Performers covered in chocolate take part in the Notting Hill Carnival
"Mi a tek two o dese tings, please sah!"
Judging by the state of most of the partygoers, they seem to be having a great time. The young chap pictured above seems to have everything sorted. Take a look at the Guardians Pages and you'll get a feel for the carnival.
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Jamaica Villas - Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival
I mek dis meself!

The Notting Hill Carnival in London is one of the biggest Carnivals outside of the Caribbean and has become a worldwide attraction. Notting Hill Carnival organised by West Indian bretheran living in London began it's life from very modest beginnings and has grown into one of the most popular culture attractions in the world.

The fun would normally start on the Saturday (this years that is 27th of August) with the steel band's competition, Sunday is the kids day and Bank holidays Monday sees the big parade with all the fantastic costumes, bright colours, steel bands, music and of course, FOOD!

On the Notting hill Carnival Website there is a page dedicated to Jerk Chicken! Yum-Yum! Curried Goat and Chic Peas. The website offers you lots of advice on what to do, where to go, the timetable of events and lots more useful information for the festival. There is a cracking photo of a steel band (ladies!) on the site, do take a peek Notting Hill Carnival 2011.

Notting Hill Carnival 2010
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Saturday 27 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Hurricane Irene


Oooh! Irene, you bitch!

Oh dear me! I did mention, did I not, in my last post about keeping an eye on the weather because Hurricane season is June to November? I did also mention that wearing your best Nike football shorts was not advisable in a force 10 hurricane. Hey-ho! Whatd'ya know, here comes a hurricane, slap down the middle of the Caribbean.

This little cutie is called "Irene" Hurrican Irene to be exact and she is a bitch!!! Not satisfied with throwing an hissy fit all over the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, this stroppy little madam is off to New York to throw a tantrum and she has all the American bretheran boarding up windows and doors, filling up sandbags, nailing the cat to the roof in case it gets blown away, there is a right old panic.

As I type she is off the coast near North Carolina and heading north to take a large bite out of the Big Apple (That's New York to you) and then blow herself out after that.

There are flights grounded at Jamaica Sangster JMB airport so make sure to check flight's in and out. I hope Irene didn´t spoil your stay at your luxury villas in Jamaica (Most likely supplied by Jamaican Treasures, the best villas rentals company in the world, so I´m told.)
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