Monday 12 September 2011

Jamaica Politics - licki-licki nyami-nyami mentality must stop

"Congratulation sah! Dis fur mekin such gobbledeegook speech."

"Yer wot mate?!" I thought when I read a piece on the Jamaica Observer website about some dude called Lloyd B Smith (who dat den sah?)

Lloyd B Smith, or LBS to his mates is the owner of Western Publishers Limited and candidate for a political party called the PNP (Peoples National Party) and fancies they will form the next government in Jamaica...asleep yet? I am, well, almost.
I know nothing about politics, I care even less, I don´t vote as no one party represents my view, that is that I should not have to work and can shack up with Katie Melua on some exotic island. Not a lot to ask for now, is it?

Anyway. What drew me to this Lloyd B Smith story was the use of a phrase I have never heard of, and, I would wager, niether have you! ole' Lloyd B' has said that the "licki-licki nyami-nyami mentality must stop" and I would agree with that, if I knew what this bloke was on about!!

"licki-licki nyami-nyami mentality?" I was actually thinking of holding some sort of competition with a great prize to see who could come up with the best explanation. I thought it was some sort of pop song, y'know, like that daft Bryan Hyland song "itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini" or even Manfred Mann's "Do-wah-diddy-diddy-dum-diddy-doo!" or "sha la la my girlfriend is a gumiho" and even the über horrible "Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree!" (I´m not linking to this as I could be accused of trying to brain damage the good people of Blogtropolis!)
Then I thought, nah! because I would have to fork out for a great prize, so I'll just tell you what it means instead.

"licki-licki nyami-nyami" the best definition of this phrase is this; "The propensity to greedily eat anything, without discrimination or regard for the source or origin of the food, the present location, or the nature of the food itself." In the UK, we have a phrase which is similar, although you don´t have to Google it to find the meaning and the phrase is "Like Pigs at the trough!"

So, why is Lloyd B Smith using such obscure language? Because he want's to make himself clear and get his message across. OK, he's ripped off JFK in the process; "you must begin to say to yourself: ask not what the PNP must do for me, but what I must do for the PNP." (Christ! what's next? ich bin bin ein Berliner!") he also made himself very clear with the following gobbledeegook
"You may wonder why is it that I have decided to leave my comfort zone, but I became very uncomfortable..." (that's that sorted matey!)

OK, if you are "Into" politics here is the link for LBS' speech, just to show that theres no hard feelings Licki-licki-nyami-nyami
Also, have you noticed something? I never made one single reference in this Blog post to the best villa rentals company in the world. (Jamaican Treasures link for those who don´t know who I am on about or who live in a cave.)

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