Thursday 15 September 2011

Jamaica villas - Where do Pineapples grow?

Pineapple Tree - Andalucia

It's been a funny few days here in Andalucia (Yep! Spain) and I've taken to doing all sorts of silliness. Some friends of mine are staying in Nerja, about 50 miles from my place in the mountains and we decided to meet up and have a BBQ. Great!

I had a strange idea. "Why don´t I stick a Pineapple to the palm tree and pretend it's a Pineapple tree?" I said to myself (I´ll talk to anyone!) and so I did. I got a big juicy Pineapple and stuck it to the side of the palm tree via one of the palms spikes (bloody awful things, we call them Spanish bayonets!) and as you can see from the photo, it looked very convincing.

Anyway, whilst chowing down on a sausage, one of my friends "I am" real name "Ian" (we call him "I am" due to a dyslexic tattoo artist misspelling the name "Ian" as "Iam" on his arm...don´t ask why he wanted his own name on his arm, it's a long story.) asks "What's that, there on the palm tree?"

I told him it was a Pineapple tree and that was the last of this years crop. "I thought they grew out of the ground, y'know, on stalks???" he said, not quite sure if he was being had or not. Just before I was due to start laughing, our friend Joe, from Dublin (Ireland for those who never did well at geography.) chirped in "Don´t be daft, Robbie knows what he's talking about, he's a good gardener!"

The biggest laugh of the day was when Ian took a cutting of the plant, he took the Pineapple top! Happy days.

Anyway, whilst I´m here, I would like to mention another place you can get Pineapple trees and that is in St Martin, in the Caribbean and you can also have a great holiday there whilst you go collecting the Pineapples. Take a look at this fantastic villa, it's called Villa Caribbean Sun and it is a real beauty. And, as luck would have it, the best villa rentals company in Jamaica, Jamaican Treasures, has over 100 villas for you to choose from on St Martin. How's that for luck????
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