Sunday 25 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Coral Cove, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Coral Cove - Discovery Bay

It was that great writer Oscar Wilde, who said "There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are either well written or badly written. That is all."
The same can be said about Blogs, not that they are in any way immoral, dear lord, no! That they are either well written or badly written, or, in my case, they either make sense or don´t make sense. Most of the time I hope they do make sense.

You see, dear Blogpeepers, I have this burning passion to pass on information, especially when it comes to places to go on your well earned vacations. I could not sleep at night, nay! not a wink! if I were to allow you, as I did my dear wife, Mrs Blogspot, to book a holiday in a caravan in North Wales thinking it was a tropical paradise with pale blue skies, palm trees, white sandy beaches, cool breezes, scantily clad, dusky maidens and vendors with dangling coconuts. No!

I want you to enjoy a real tropical holiday, somewhere you can watch the big orange sun, sink beneath the waves, while you gulp down a very large Pina Colada and listen to the Platters singing "Red sails in the sunset" That's the type of luxury holiday I want for the good people of Blogtopia.

As luck would have it, there is an exceptional property which would fit the bill nicely and that is Villa Coral Cove, a 5 bedroom luxury villa in Discovery Bay on the beautiful, tropical island of Jamaica.

Villa Coral Cove consists of two waterfront cottages and when I say "waterfront" I mean just that, you can dangle your dongle in the Caribbean whilst you surf the Internet (you can't surf the Internet whilst surfing at sea, your dongle gets all wet, as does your laptop!)

One cottage has 5 bedrooms, the other three both come with their own swimming pools and there is a fantastic white sandy beach. Another bonus for you is that both these waterfront cottages are fully staffed with a cook, butler/gardener, housekeeper/laundress.

I would be failing in my duty if I were not to provide you with a decent link to the website of Coral Cove waterfront cottages, so, here it is Decent Link to Coral Cove waterfront cottages.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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