Tuesday 20 September 2011

Jamaica Rum - Protecting Brand Jamaica

"Back in my rummy days, I would tremble and shake for hours upon arising. It was the only exercise I got." W.C Fields

Now and then I do like to post something of interest to the whole world and not just those looking to rent villas from Jamaican Treasures.

RUM! Yes, Rum. Y'know, the "Yo-ho-ho!" stuff that pirates drink. I was reading on a Jamaica government website that they have made moves to protect the Jamaica brand name.

Here's a little piece from the website "The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) has been instructed to fast-track efforts to protect brand Jamaica in the area of rum through Geographical Indication (GI) registration."

Now, you will be asking yourself (those who have gone mad or drunk too much of the Rum will) "Wha dis G.I ting yoo talkin abowt?" so let me explain.

G.I = A Geographical Indication is a name or sign used on certain products, which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin (e.g. a town, region, or country).

Like Champagne or Port (Port is only Port if it comes from Porto in Portugal, bet you never knew that one!) There are many similar brands, Manchester Tart, Bombay mix, Delhi Belly etc but because they are not protected, anyone can make them. Securing the name of a product helps to protect the brand from cheap or inferior replicas.

How many times have you asked for a Jamaica Rum and got some sweet, sickly liquid that is disguised with cheap coke from a bar "snake" Yuk! You want the real product, real Jamaica Rum. This is why such things as G.I are very important.

In the same way, when you see the brand name "Jamaican Treasures" you know you are getting a genuine article, you know the service will be of a very high standard, you know that it is a mark of quality and represents the best in Jamaica villa rentals. (I bet you wondered where the sales pitch was going to come in. Be honest, you did.)

Anyway. If you are interested in reading the article about G.I I have proided a link for you HERE.

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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