Tuesday 29 November 2011

Levi Roots wins recipe row - Jamaican food


"Actually, old boy, the name is Keith!"
I do like to bring you interesting jamaica stories, no one wants to be thought of as a "one trick Pony" and harp on about the truly fantastic, amazing luxury villas that you can rent from Jamaican Treasures. No! I like to diversify.

Heres a great story from my favourite online newpaper The Jamaican Observer, all about a dude called Levi Roots (actual name is Keith Graham..not a very "Yardie" name!) who has defended a case brought against him by his ex-partner (business partner) from Brixton, London, who claims Keith, or "Roots" ripped off his recipe for some of the Jerk food mix listed in his "Reggae,Reggae Cook Book"

The judge decided in favour of Mr Roots. Read the article, it's very interesting.

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Monday 28 November 2011

Jamaica Villas - Jamaica Restaurant week

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!

Here’s a great video I found whilst looking for a Jerk recipe. The video is for Jamaica Restaurant Week, a choice of some of the finest Jamaica restaurants get to show off their menus. Check out the amazing pizza and the little cutie presenting this little video. Mind you, Stephanie Scott rabbits on a bit but I guess she's just excited.
Theres no excuse for not knowing where to eat when you book one of Jamaican Treasures Villas.

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The best places in Jamaica


Lisa, the lady wot runs  a certain Luxury Villas in Jamaica company, has sent me some great photographs of someone really enjoying themselves and living “la vida loca” or to be more accurate, it’s photographs of Lisa really enjoying herself in Jamaica and sending me the evidence so I can grind my teeth in envy.
Now, there are places off the beaten track that are “must visit” sites, be they some historic building, some site of cultural significance, a great view or, in Lisa’s case, some great bars and restaurants along the sun kissed sandy beaches of Jamaica.
One such place I have already mentioned in another post is the Pelican bar at St. Elizabeth. This Pelican Bar looks like it’s been built by a Flamingo that was crap at DIY or was working without a plan. The whole thing is a pile of sticks that are nailed, screwed, glued or bolted together but it is THE in place to be.
The food is amazing, the company ambient, the decor no-existent, unless you consider a load of knackered signs grouped together to be worthy of the term “art” oh no, Mr. Floyd Forbes, a local fisherman concocted the idea of a bar on stilts, where he and his mates could hang out and it seems to have taken on a life of its own.
It is a real cool place to go. So, go there.
The other photographs sent by Lisa are of Jack Sprat’s place and as you can see from the photos I put together to form the video, the food looks sublime and I bet it tastes even better than it looks. There are also a few photos of some really yummy looking shrimps from Middle Quarters and more pics of Jakes place.
If any of you have ever been to these places, I’d love to see your photographs, so, get sending them to me robbie@myluxuryvillas.com

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Kindle for Christmas - Update

My Kindle for Mrs Blogspot still has not arrived, apparently UPS can’t find my house? Fair enough, I live in the middle of nowhere but you would think that they could drop it out of a passing plane or something? Poor Mrs B is getting worried that she will not have her Kindle in time for Christmas.

I got an email from Amazon, they gave me the number of some place in the states, they put me onto someone who spoke like an American who was dying of boredom “yessir, how may we help you sir, do you have the tracking number sir, sorry, we can’t help sir, have a nice day sir, here’s the number of UPS in Spain, sir, goodbye sir”

I have to call someone else in the morning, a Spaniard, and I’ll bet he / she will be another drone “Buenos dias Sñr, no entiendo Sñr, donde vivas Sñr…”

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"Fenton! Fenton!"

It’s the dog everyone is talking about, yes, Fenton. Since being shown on Youtube chasing Deer and his owner running behind desperately trying to get the dog back by screaming “Fenton! Fenton! Oh Jesus Christ, Fenton!” he has become a major celebrity, with the UK newspapers trying to find out who owns Fenton the dog.
Originally, the papers printed his name as “Benton” not “Fenton” and he has been seen by over 2 million people on Youtube. Also, Fenton has become as popular with the video Spoofers as the Downfall videos were, spawning videos in their hundreds.
Take a look for yourself as Fenton the Dog chases the Deer with his woeful owner screaming for all he is worth. What a naughty dog you are Fenton.
You can get the Fenton Mp3 free soundtrack for your mobile phone from the daily Mirror website here.

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Sunday 27 November 2011

The Best Bar in Jamaica

Lisa: Nose to the grindstone at the Pelican Bar

OK, I’m not one to grumble and moan, even when someone is having a much better time of it than I am. Oh no. But, there are limits.
I am sat wearing my wifes dressing gown (no! It was just the nearest thing and I was in a hurry…er..) and typing to a friend on Skype  who we are meeting later today for lunch, prior to watching Liverpool FC and Manchester City FC kick the snot out of each other in the premier league when “Ping!” I get a tap from Lisa, the lady who runs a world famous villa rentals company, you may have heard of it (unless you live in a cave) Jamaican Treasures, I may have mentioned this once or twice on this Blog.
Hard at it, another poor soul scratching a living.
Anyway, Lisa is in Jamaica just now and having a hell of a time, working apparently, or so she tells me. Lisa sent me some photographs of a truly amazing bar, I’ve seen nothing like it and I have seen some bars in my time (Ghana, Senegal, Belize, Germany, Cyprus, Barrow-in-Furness to mention a few places) it’s made out of sticks and palm leaves? Like the type of place one of the little Piggies would have built to keep the Wolf away.
I have decided that words alone could not describe this amazing stilt pub. It is Robinson Crusoe meets James Bond and from what Lisa tells me, the food is fantastic.
Take a look at this great Blog

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Friday 25 November 2011

KIndle - Wheres my Kindle

Help track Mrs Blogspots KIndle
I have never been one to complain and I think, on the whole, I am a pretty patient sort of bloke. I live in Andalucia, Spain, in the mountains not far from Granada and the Sierra Nevada ski slopes. Things are pretty laid back here and you have to expect delays.
I ordered a Kindle from Amazon for a Xmas present for Mrs. BlogSpot, an avid reader, and I thought this Kindle thing would be just the thing to keep herself off my back through the long winter nights. So I ordered Mrs. BlogSpot a Kindle.
Estimated day of arrival was 24th of November, the parcel had left Madrid on the 23rd of November, today is the 25th of November, and so, where is Mrs. B’s Kindle?
Good question. I checked on the UPS parcel tracking service and I find that the Kindle is more like Marco Polo, it’s been all over the world. Why? Because I live in the middle of nowhere, I have no road, no street, no house number so they are playing “Pass the Parcel” with Mrs. B’s Kindle. Don’t believe me! Check out the UPS delivery status:
Malaga, Spain   11/23/2011         9:04 P.M.             
The receiver's address is incomplete. UPS is attempting to obtain the entire address and complete the delivery. / UPS will contact the sender and/or receiver regarding the status or disposition of this package.
11/23/2011         5:17 P.M.            The apartment number is missing or is incorrect. UPS is attempting to obtain this information.
11/23/2011         2:24 P.M.            Destination Scan
11/23/2011         2:23 P.M.            Arrival Scan
Madrid, Spain   11/23/2011         7:56 A.M.            Departure Scan
11/23/2011         7:21 A.M.            Arrival Scan
11/23/2011         7:11 A.M.            Departure Scan
11/23/2011         5:54 A.M.            Arrival Scan
Koeln, Germany   11/23/2011         3:27 A.M.            Departure Scan
Madrid, Spain   11/23/2011         1:59 A.M.  Registered with Clearing Agency  11/23/2011        
1:38 A.M.            Registered with Clearing Agency / Shipment submitted to Clearing Agency
11/23/2011         1:38 A.M.            Power of attorney documentation is missing and is required for clearance.
Koeln, Germany              11/22/2011         10:17 P.M.          Arrival Scan
Philadelphia, PA, United States                11/22/2011         9:07 A.M.            Departure Scan
11/22/2011         1:42 A.M.            Export Scan
11/22/2011         12:07 A.M.          Arrival Scan
West Columbia, SC, United States          11/21/2011         10:52 P.M.          Departure Scan
11/21/2011         9:54 P.M.            Arrival Scan
11/21/2011         9:35 P.M.            Departure Scan
Madrid, Spain   11/22/2011         3:29 A.M.            Power of attorney documentation is missing and is required for clearance.
West Columbia, SC, United States          11/21/2011         7:38 P.M.            Origin Scan
United States    11/21/2011         6:11 P.M.            Order Processed: Ready for UPS

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Thursday 24 November 2011

Jamaica Villas – Blogging from Windows Live Photo Gallery


tryall club villas

In my last Blog entry I wrote that I was testing this Windows Live Publish to Blog function and I am happy to say that it is very easy to use and quicker than logging into your account from whatever Blog site you use. This programme is free to download and will bring you hours of fun, it is, you will be happy to know, idiot proof (as my postings will prove) Great stuff!

Wish you were here? Hello! from Andalucia, Spain.


Holidays in Andalucia

I was digging out photos from one of my old laptops when I came across this wonderful shot of my mucker, Russell Fawlks, a singer /songwriter / musician who resides on the Costa del Sol, which you all know is in sunny Spain. Here you can see Russell or “Rusty” trying to pluck a few of my hairs to cover his bald pate.

This shot was taken at my home in the Andalucian hills sometime last year, at a BBQ in honour of Saturday..any Saturday.

Rusell has been very kind and allowed me to use some of his music on the videos I made for Jamaican Treasures villas on Youtube. If anyone has used Youtube, you will know that the copyright situation is a bit stiff and you can sometimes end up having your video removed, or, worse still, your music replaced by something awful. So, having your own songwriter helps.

I’m trying out this new Windows Live Photo and Video editing freebie, you just download it, it’s cool for making videos, better than Microsoft Moviemaker and it has a “publish to Blog” option which is what I am using to write this with. If it’s any good, it will make Blog writing even quicker. Here’s hoping.

KINDLE - My Christmas wish list

"Watcha wan fe Chrissmus mon?"

I was ordering a Christmas present for Mrs Blogspot the other day, one of those Kindle reader things. In case you are not au fait with a Kindle, it is a hand held reading device that stores thousands of books for you to read, anywhere, anytime, anyplace, in the dark, in bright sunlight, in the bath, it’s your call.
I went onto Amazon to order one and after some cursing and swearing, I got it ordered and it will be here in Spain within my lifetime, maybe. While I was going through the process of ordering this Kindle, the Amazon site asked me for items for my wish list.
What is a wish list? Well, the Amazon wish list lets you write down all the things you want for Xmas, your friends and family can do the same and then you can click on each other’s wish list and see what they really want for Christmas.
Living Doll or Living Hell?
Needless to say, no one has soap-on-a-rope, socks, underpants, cheapo aftershave, K-Tel Hits of the 60’s, NOW 109 (Now That’s What I Call Music, compilation of 30 years of crap pop songs, first started off as “Now That’s What I Call Music” some fools bought it and this started the rot, NTWICM 2 followed by 3 and so on) or Cliff Richard sings holy songs album.

Now then...Did you ever get any of this?
No! these wish lists contain stuff like 60” 3D Plasma HD TV, XBOX with Need for Speed XXI, Nike Trainers with matching tracksuit and Bling accessories, Sony Vaio laptop, cars, skateboards and more. I remember when Xmas meant waking up to a Xmas tree with parcels underneath from Santa, watching Mary Poppins, Scrooge, waiting for Brenda to give the Xmas speech to the nation and then Xmas lunch. Boxing day was Bubble-and-squeek and that was that.
Of course, I completely lost the plot with this wish list, I didn’t want to be seen as greedy or shallow, or uncaring and so for my wish list I have put “peace on earth and goodwill to all men” No doubt I will have no need to purchase underpants, soap-on-a-rope, Armanipit aftershave or music by Sir Cliff.
Never mind. Why not put “Jamaica holiday” on your wish list and point your friends to the Jamaican Treasures website and pick up a great winter holiday deal. You can even take your Sir Cliff records with you as all of the villas have DVD players. Jamaican Treasures Luxury Villas for your wishlist link.
Have you ever had any of the naff presents listed above? or have you had worse? lets see who gets what this Christmas!

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The Sopranos - Who discovered America

Tony Soprano, on of Christopher Columbus' ancestors

I don’t know if you ever watch the TV series on one of the SKY channels called “The Sopranos” but my wife and I watch it every week, we love it. We are so taken with this story about a dysfunctional family of Mafia Godfather Tony Soprano, his real family that is, as well as his Mafia “family” that we now start every Wednesday in “Mafia mode”
“Wha dis mafia mode yer tak abowt?” I hear you ask. Well, our Wednesday starts off with the normal greeting “Good morning darling, you mother*******” to which the charming reply is often “Yeah! You too you slimeball!” and we then have coffee and watch the news.
Soprano day, Wednesday, every Wednesday, we have Italian food for our evening meal, last night, for example, we had Sicilian grilled chicken in pesto sauce with Ciabatta bread, unfortunately, we can’t get Italian wine in the Andalucía mountains so we make do with Rioja.
As usual, one of us cooks the meal while the other chirps that line from the Mafia film Goodfellowsdon’t put in too many f****** onions!” to which the reply is always “I never use too many f******* onions!”
If this seems sad to you, that two sane (?) adults should behave in this way, you are most likely right, so, why am I telling something you could hold against me, should I ever achieve prominence in the political world? I’ll tell you. Christopher Columbus.
Hello? Christopher Columbus, the great explorer? What would he have to do with a modern day mafia family and a couple of marginally sane people who live in Spain? The answer is America. Who discovered America? Who discovered Jamaica as well, while we are at it?
Last night’s episode saw Tony Sopranos cohorts getting upset because Columbus Day had been hijacked by some radical Native Americans who blamed Columbus for all the woes that have befallen the Native Americans, since he discovered America.
Hello? Christopher Columbus discovered America? I don’t think so! Were there no people living on that continent at the time? Aztecs for instance, the plains Indians (not called Indians at the time but called so later because soft-lad Columbus thought he had landed in India), the Taíno peoples of the Caribbean and South America, Eskimos and a host of other peoples who lived in all parts of the American continent, so how does Christopher Columbus get the credit for discovering the place? Did the first Jamaica to land in the UK write home and tell everyone that he has discovered a strange land full of very pale people who like rain? No!
Take Captain Cook, credited with “discovering” Australia and a load of other places, the fact he was killed by natives should give us a hint that he was not the first to put foot down on Australian soil.
Explorers have taken credit for work that was not theirs and I want to point this out. If you are going to discover somewhere, then make sure there is no one there when you do (Virgin Islands, for example) otherwise, people like me and some ancestors will write about you on their blogs!
What happened to the Sopranos and the Native Americans in last night’s episode? They beat the snot out of each other and all got arrested. That’s culture for you..

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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Highland House - Highland House, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Highland House, Montego Bay

You know when something has attracted a lot of attention, someone writes about it in the New York Times. Now, you may ask, why is a Jamaica villa being written about in such an august publication as the New York Times?  This is after is the largest local metropolitan newspaper in the United States. Highland House also featured in Island Home magazine.
If you look at villa Highland House which sits proudly in Montego Bay which is of course in the north of Jamaica. Highland House has a bit of history of attracting attention, because, according to the New York Times, Oscar Hammerstein, that genius (?) who gave us the delightful, if somewhat irritating  Sound of Music” could very easy have written that “The hills are alive with the sound of Music” about Highland house and it’s delightful location.
To be honest with you, I wish he had of done, could you imagine Julie Andrews wearing  Rasta plats, Nike trainers, cut down Livi’s and a “Yeah Mon” Jamaica T-shirt with holes in it singing “Do, a Deer, a female Deer….” In Reaggae form. I would have gone to watch that.
It was at Highland house that Oscar Hammerstein wrote that music whilst his wife Dorothy entertained such luminaries as Noël Coward and Richard Burton, to name just a few.
Nowadays, Highland House has a new owner, Brenda Isaacs and Brenda has taken the time and effort to restore this beautiful house, retaining something of Oscar and Dorothy Hammerstein period furniture and touches whilst giving the place a new age touch, right down to the great Saphire coloured Bhudda that dominates the terrace and the luxury Zen bedroom to name but a few things.

 Video presentation of Highland House
Highland House, Montego Bay has 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, all the amenties and facilities you would expect from a luxury villa of this calibre, including a dedicated staff that includes a cook, housekeeper, laundress and gardener. Just looking at Highland House makes you wish that you were there, the pool is an absolute delight and the views are to die for.
The other benefits of staying at Highland House are the close proximity to the Montego Bay airport and of course, Montego Bay itself, with all of the nightlife, tourist and historical attractions as well as sporting and cultural activities. The beach is a mere 5 minutes away and the airport 8 minutes.
There is so much to say about this culturally (as far as modern music is concerned) important villa that a visit to the main website at Jamaican Treasures will give you all the details and photographs you will need to show you just what an absolute delight Highland house is.
Please follow this link Highland House, Montego Bay, Jamaica.

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Monday 14 November 2011

Villa Calabash, Tryall Club, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Villa Calabash, Tryall Villas, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Here is a great villa for those who love sun, sea and sand (As well as grass, sky, sky, grass!) an absolute waterfront villa at Tryall in Montego bay. This great 3 bedroom luxury villas sits on Country Club Drive, the road the snuggles up to the ocean frontage at Tryall.
Villa Calabash is a beautiful 3 bedroom luxury villa that comes with a staff of four, cook, housekeeper, gardiner and laundress and is filled and fitted with all the amenities and home comforts we come to rely on, such as TV, DVD, Internet, BBQ, sun loungers, a community swimming pool and lots more.
Villa Calabash is ideal for the golfer, perfect for a wedding or honeymoon and great for a well earned vacation. Take a look at the Villa Calabash page on Tryall Villas Jamaica website and see for yourself what you will get for your money.
You also get one thing for free and that's the great quality of service  the clients of Jamaican Treasures always get. Villa Calabash Link

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Tryall Club Jamaica


Map of Jamaica

I keep getting asked questions by people who would like to go to Jamaica but are too lazy to Google the questions for themselves. One question is "What and where is Tryall?"

Tryall, is a beautiful luxury gated villa resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Tryall villas are slap bang in the middle of the Tryall Golf course, which also has it´s own private beach.

The Tryall gated community is about 12 miles to the west of Montego Bay, which it'self is in the north west of the Island, between Lucea and Clark's Town. Tryall has the Flint river running through it, this in turn is fed from the mountain springs.

Can I rent a villa in Tryall, Montego Bay?

Yes, you can indeed rent a villa at the Tryall community. Tryall Villas Jamaica a sister website to My Luxury Villas and Jamaican Treasures has plenty of luxury villas for rent in Tryall, Montego Bay and here is the link

What facilities and amenities are available at Tryall

The following amenities and facilities are available to people who rent Tryall villas, Montego Bay.

Facilities & Amenities Tryall Club, a unique Caribbean retreat set on 2,200-acres of beautiful Jamaican landscape.
• 18-hole championship golf course
• 9-court tennis centre                        
• Beauty salon and spa centre                    
• Children’s programme                    
• 2 Restaurants and 4 Bars                    
• Afternoon tea at the Great House                
• Great House and pool                        
• Walking and jogging trails                    
• Horseback riding and polo                    
• Island Tours
• Croquet lawn
• Aquasize
• Beach and water sports centre
• Snorkeling and scuba diving
• Sailing, Deep sea fishing, water-skiing and tubing

For more information you can visit the main Tryallvillasjamaica.com site or contact the beautiful Stephanie and she will be as happy as a Parrot to help you. Stephanie@tryallvillasjamaica.com 

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Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Gloucester Avenue Montego bay, Jamaica

"Now then!" as the late Sir Jimmy Savile would have said, my attenstion has been brought to another fantastic place for entertainment on the exotic island that is Jamaica. According to a site Go Visit The Caribbean, Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville is by far the trendiest place in the Caribbean.
This webmaster (Jimmy's webmaster, not me) is another one that reckons that they are the baddest place to be and that is in Montego Bay’s “Hip Strip,” Gloucester Avenue. Himself tells you that this place is cool for kids and adults and points out that there is a 120ft waterslide! How you keep your G&T from becoming a bit diluted whilst getting dumped at the end of a 120ft shute is a mystery to me.

The guy really is full of himself and drops names like like Bart Simpson drops his pants. P Diddy (How does a cool guy end up with the name of one of Ked Dodd's Puppets? ) other names dropped are Nelly, Run DMC, Tiger Woods, Dennis Hopper..clang! clang! clang!

He really is at it "At night, Club Ville comes alive as the Hottest Nightclub in Western Jamaica" I hope he can live up to "Margaritaville is the most fun this side of Paradise!"

If you have ever been to Margaritaville, send us a note and even some happy snaps, it will be nice to see if this guy was telling the truth or not. In true Blogspot tradition, heres the Link

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Island Black Pearl Jamaica Nightclub

Island Black Pearl Nightclub

I was asked by a friend to find some nightclubs to go on this Jamaica Holidays Blog and so I set about finding some. There is a nightclub called The Island Black Pearl that looks pretty cool I would have ripped some off for you but they have them nailed on. The website has lots of happy snaps of beautiful girls and macho looking guys all out enjoying themselves.

Wish yu wuz ya?

If you read the "About Us" page you will be told the Island Black Pearl is a firm favourite with the tourists in and around Montego Bay, one of the main reasons is that the music is pretty cool, amd with a selection of the following Reggae, Dance music, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop music and Top 100 sounds, you are going to be dancing to at least some of the great sounds you like (Unless of course you are one of those very strange people that's into those two grottypopübermeisters Black Lace! in which case I don't think Jamaicans would stoop so low, even to please the tourists!)

Some very nice ladies having a great time at the Island Black Pearl

Now, the guys who run Island Black Pearl are boasting that this is the best nightclub in Jamaica and with it's three dance floors, including a roof top dance floor, it knocks every other place into a cocked hat.

Not just that, but there is some dude called DJ Laz from the radio station Power 96 who will be performing at least once each month. Island Black Pearl needs to be checked out then, and if anyone has any feedback for me, happy snaps etc, I will post them on here, nothing to raunchy though, someone might be reading this.

Island Black Pearl Nightclub is opened Wednesday to Saturday from 10:00pm to 3:00 am, and Happy Hour is every Thursdays and Fridays from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Heres the website link again but I must warn you that there is some banging music going down so turn the speakers down!!! http://www.islandblackpearlnightclub.com/index.html

Island Black Pearl can be found at Ironshore in Montego Bay, just cup your ears and listen for the sounds and hopefully you won't hear this couple od Super Mulleted music monsters. BLACK LACE!!!

"Aaaagh! Aaaaagh! Ga-doo-doo-doo!"

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Sunday 13 November 2011

Jamaica Nightlife

Roaming Donkey - A guide to the best places to play in Jamaica

Well, I seem to have done it again, I have found another site with a strange name, one you would not associate with the subject matter.
I was scouring Google for information on the best nightclubs and bars in Jamaica, after all, you want people to know where they should and should not go and where they can find the sort of entetainment they are looking for.

OK, I'm not Albert Einstien but I am not as thick as a Whale sandwhich either. I typed into the Google search bar "Nightlife in Jamaica" and was presented with a list of suitable sites, one of which was aptley named "Nightlife Jamaica" so, click on the link and I see a website with flashing lights, naughty ladies and people enjoying themselves, or one would think that is what I saw.

Nope! I saw a cartoon donkey that was grinning like a WWII Japanese Zero Pilot! A donkey, y'know, "hee-haw, hee-haw!" with a back pack and Jamaica flag.

As it transpires the great and the good at the appropiatley named http://www.nightlifejamaica.com/ have decided to change the name of their website to http://www.roamingdonkey.com/

No matter! It's a great website with oodles of information on it about Jamaica, Jamaica nightlife, where to eat, what to see, what are the top rated bars, clubs etc. This website is a must to anyone who wants to hit the ground running and get into their holiday mood the second they get off the plane.

You can join this site and get first hand information from other site users.

Take a look at the Roaming Donkey website and let me know what you think.

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Saturday 12 November 2011

Things Jamaicans Love

Things Jamaicans Love: Music

I have found another fantastic website called Things Jamaicans Love. The site is very funny and you will love it. I do. The site does what it say's on the tin, TJL as we shall know by, is all about those things that Jamaicans do or think of doing, things Jamaicans love to eat, things Jamaicans love to say and lots more.

You are hard pressed to find anything on this Things Jamaican Love website that is not funny or interesting.

The Definitive Guide to Jamaican Table Manners is hilarious. The following is a little extract:
3. Grill your waiter on the menu items and their accompaniments. E.g.“Is local goat or imported mutton? Mi only eat local rammy yuh know.”
“What yuh serve wid di tripe? Rice an peas? Plain rice? Food?
“ Is nuff food yuh get?”
“So I can get curry goat gravy wid di the fry chicken?”
“Is why yuh face screw up so? Yuh work inna restaurant, so mi know seh yuh nuh hungry.”

Take a look at this great site. http://www.thingsjamaicanslove.com/ramblings_2.html

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Definitive Guide to Jamaica

The Definitive Guide to Jamaica video presentation

Everyone who reads this Blog (both of you) will know by now that I pillage the Internet for material that will be helpful for anyone thinking of renting a Jamaica Villa or coming to Jamaica for a holiday or a wedding or a family reunion.

Youtube has some great videos, it also has some bad videos but I have found one that is really good. There is a website called the Definitive Caribbean http://www.definitivecaribbean.com/ and they have their own Youtube chanel which has great videos of Jamaica and other Caribbean Islands. The video of Jamaica posted in this Blog is a great representation of Jamaica ina 9 minute video.

If you have a spare 9 minutes, please watch this Jamaica presentation, you will really enjoy it. The lady doing the voice over sounds very nice.

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Dunn'a River Falls, Ochos Rios, Jamaica

 Dunn's River Falls, Ochos Rios, Jamaica

I thought I would give you a treat and bung some videos onto the Blog and so I have scoured Youtube for some decent videos of Jamaica and I came across this video for Dunn's River falls at Ochos Rios (Eight Rivers)

There isn't eight rivers at Ochos Rios, the name is a misnomer, a misinterpretation of the Spanish word "The Waterfalls" Las Chorreros by the British. This was the setting for a rather dodgey Tom Cruise film called "Cocktail" I don't know what was worse, Tom's acting as a cocktail barman cum Romeo/Gigalo or the florid shirts the director made him wear for the film.

Buy hey! here's people enjoying themselves in Jamaica, that's great to see. We also have a great villa here that I would like you to see.

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Authentic Jamaican Jerk Chicken by Aunty Marcia

Email lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
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Ed Bartlett, Minister for Tourism, Jamaica

Ed Bartlett, Minister for Tourism, Jamaica and a very pretty lady.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Villa Birds Eye View - Spring Farm, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Wish you were here?.....

BLOG UPDATE: 17/12/2011

I would like to remind all you dear readers that Villa Birds Eye View is on the list of Jamaican Treasures "Villa Specials".
This is a comprehensive list of luxury villas in all parts of Jamaica that have either Price reductions or special offers, such as “Stay for 7 nights pay for just  5 nights” and other great offers. You could also contact Lisa direct to see what other up to the minute bargains are available.
305-767-2596    lisa@jamaicantreasures.com
For full details of this special offer please visit the Birds Eye View page on the list of Jamaican Treasures Special Offer villas.
If I can carry on from where I left off (I can, it's my Blog, I'll do what I want!) I would like to point out this splendid mansion. Yes, MANSION! Birds Eye View.
Birds Eye View is an 8 bedroom, 8 bathroom Mansion at Spring Farm in Montego Bay, Jamaica, just ten minutes from the airport at Montego Bay and ten minutes from the beach. Although it has 8 bedrooms, it is possible that you can rent this great property as a 3 bedroom holiday villa, that way, the rest of the mansion remains unoccupied and you get complete peace and quiet. Not bad, what!
As with the other luxury villas featured on this Blog, Birds Eye View has everything you need, every emenity and comfort, a real home from home (that is if you live in a big posh house, if not, then your going to be spolied rotten
There is a pool, show area, BBQ, large games room, pool table, Internet connection, TV, DVD and the list goes on. You do also have the services of some wonderful members of the Jamaican Treasures staff, cook, laundress, housekeeper and gardener to maintain the property and make sure you have a great stay.
Talking of having a great stay, the bright lights and big cirty of Montego Bay are a spit away and that means shops! lots of shops, also, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, sea fishing trips, glass bottom boat trips, snorkel fishing, kayaking, surfing, day trips to then Zoo, Ochos Rios, Dunn's River Falls, culteral and historical sites to visit. Your in for a great time at Birds Eye Villa.
Take a look at the updated website http://birdseyeviewvilla.com/index.html

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Blue Shutters Villa - Runaway Bay, Jamaica

Blue Shutters, enough to send you off your rocker!

I'm continuing my update of the Jamaica luxury villas and one that really brings a smile to my face is Villa Blue Shutters at Runaway Bay. I think "Cute with class" is the best way to describe this 3 bedroom luxury villa that sits right on the waters edge at Runaway Bay.

Villa Blue Shutters has 1 acre of it's own grounds in which you can wander at your liesure, theres also a private beach cove as well. You are guaranteed peace and privacy here. Mind you, saying that, if it's an activity holiday your looking for then you have that here as well.

Blue Shutters Villa is close to the famous Breezes Resort and Breezes Golf and Country Club with all the activities available for you to enjoy, you will have a rare old time. Further down the coast a bit you have Discovery Bay, Ochos Rios and all the tourist activies, there is also the fantastic Dunn's River Falls.

The Blue Shutters villa has everything you will need for a great holiday, air conditioning, dvd, Internet, splash pool, the Caribbean Sea to splash and paddle about in and of course a dedicated staff of cook, housekeeper and a caretaker to make sure things go nice and easy for you Jamaica holiday.

take a look at the Blue Shutters website, there are photo galleries, virtual tour and a slideshow. http://www.blueshuttersjamaica.com/

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